Walking and Screaming

Weekly to monthly counseling sessions have been a way of life for me for the past year and a half. Self care, priceless.

Last night, the promise land was part of our discussion. Or as I call it, the land of promise. She explained to me that she has the most unique conversations with me, unlike any other client. I am not surprised by God’s uncanny way of bringing clarity and understanding into my life. It takes creativity to get through to me.

A promise brings so much hope. Hope cultivates strength. Strength builds endurance. Endurance propels us into the land of promise.

Nevertheless, the promise can be so remote and prolonged that discouragement, doubt, fear and anxiety creep in. The wilderness can seemingly paint a picture of promises appearing obscure, out of range and and unapproachable.

Israel was being led to the land of promise after wandering for 40 years. 40 years of bad choices. 40 years of frustration. 40 years of unhealthy patterns.

Riding on the conclusion of the wilderness, Joshua was leading Israel to the borders of the land of promise. They came to a city called Jericho.

God tells the Israelites that he has given them the city of Jericho. But the cities gates were shut tight. There was no getting in or out. The promise land was sealed shut. So it seemed.

God tells them to do something that makes no sense at all. Frankly it screams crazy. For six days, once per day, walk silently around the city. Wait! What?! Why?! What is that going to do? Finally, on the seventh day walk around the city seven times. In sequel of the priests blasting their horns then he wants them to shout.

God took them through 40 years of wandering in the wilderness to the doorsteps of the promise. The city of Jericho. Then God gives the outlandish instruction to scream. Walking and screaming!

More times than not, obedience seems mystifying and without logic. It can straight up feel frustrating. I can only imagine the thought process. Look God, we have been walking for 40 years and now you want us to walk more?! Then close the deal with screaming??!!

The walls of Jericho came blasting down! God opened the prolongation of the promise. He broke the wall of separation from wilderness to promise. Not without work though. It takes work to tear down the patterns of Egypt. It is all you know. God will provide the “tools”. Pick up that sledgehammer in your hand and beat down that wall. Break a sweat. Shout God’s promise at that wall.

My journey right now is full of walking and screaming. The breaking of my will. The breaking of my plan. The breaking of my dreams. The breaking of my patterns. Walking around my walls. Screaming at my walls. Even so, a time will come and my Jericho will come crashing down. My promise will be opened up and be realized. I will see the fruition of the land of promise. His will. His plans. His dreams.

Love and prayers,

Speak for the Unspoken

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